Archive for June, 2009

Kiss and Hell by Dakota Cassidy

June 25, 2009


Some people see the image of Oprah burned on their morning Wonder Bread. Some people see car keys float midair. Some people even claim to see UFO’s. Delaney Markham? She sees ghosts. And hears ghosts. And it makes her life pretty darn difficult with the spectres popping in and out at all hours. In her attempt to make lemonade out of lemons, Delaney holds séances to make ends meet and maybe help people find some closure. Okay, she comes across the occasional demon, but that’s what her industrial sized box of Morton’s salt is for. Until Clyde. He’s a demon that just won’t leave her side. Fortunately, he’s easy on the eyes. Unfortunately, Lucifer has bid him to drag Delaney to hell. Why are the good ones always married or demons?

Dakota Cassidy has done it again. She’s written another hilarious, laugh until your snorting out loud, and your kids bring their friends over to take pictures of you for blackmail, book. And in these tough times, we all need some good funny. Fans of The Accidental Werewolf, Accidentally Dead and The Accidental Human will love KISS AND HELL. The same unique style and sense of humor, only with a whole new set of characters and a distinctive flair, it’s a winner. Delaney says so many wonderfully sarcastic things that dance around in my head, but I don’t have the nerve to say. Or chic to pull off.

And yet there is always a sensitive side to Ms. Cassidy’s books bringing just a bit of realism to the urban fantasy. Her characters are fruitful and fulfilling in ways I wish more people were. Delaney’s love affair with her 6 needy doggies was hilarious and touching at the same time. And Clyde was a sexy beast for taking them potties in the early morning hours! Yeah, give me a leading man with six pack abs, but one who loves three legged dogs and takes them potty? Now that is sexy. Another well written tome from Dakota Cassidy!

The Dangerous Book for Demon Slayers by Angie Fox

June 25, 2009


Lizzie Brown is a new demon slayer on the block. Well, at least she has a permit. Now she’s in a mad dash to Vegas with her biker witches, talking terrier and gryphon boyfriend for back up when Succubi are taking over the city and are holding her Uncle hostage. If only there was some sort of manual for this sort of thing…

In Angie Fox’s second book in her demon slaying series, we’re in for a serious treat. It’s a wilder ride than cruising on the back of a Harley in a halter top. The Accidental Demon Slayer provided us with a great foundation and now that the characters are established, there’s a lot of room for Lizzie and the gang to grow AND kick booty. A strong supporting cast provides a lot of laughs and a multitude of magical reinforcement.

While there are rip roaring moments of fun, THE DANGEROUS BOOK FOR DEMON SLAYERS delves a bit deeper into Lizzie’s family history and has a more serious feel. The author lets her talent show as she gives the reader a great balance of light hearted humor with a darker plot. She’s not afraid to let her characters grow, and Lizzie took every advantage. I’m pleased that this series continues to grow at just the right pace.

I particularly enjoyed the bits of Demon Slayer Manual that Lizzie wrote. It gave the reader a break from the intense moments in the story and I would have appreciated even more.


Sorcery and the Single Girl by Mindy Klasky

June 25, 2009


Witchy novice, Jane, thinks her future lies with a large and prestigious coven. Soon she learns they must accept her as one of them and she must pass all their tests, or they will confiscate her collection of books, her friend and familiar, and her priceless collection of gems and crystals. While training for these exams with her mentor, Jane is distracted by a suave and hunky guy and a new friend from the coven, where it looks like she chooses new friends over old. Can’t a girl have a life and be a witch too?

I didn’t realize this was the second book in the series until well after I finished reading it. Obviously there was enough back story cleverly scattered throughout that I had no problem keeping up. Now I’m curious enough to go back and see how Jane came to discover her talents and her familiar, the rather self involved cat and occasional man in Girl’s Guide to Witchcraft.

Definitely a page turner, Jane’s antics kept me reading long after I should have turned off the bedside light. The author’s talent can be accredited because although the story itself was sometimes quite predictable, the authenticity of the situations kept me interested. Sometimes the situations were painfully authentic. Ever fallen for the wrong guy who was too good to be true? Ever make your best friend feel bad and not know what to do about it? Oh, and my favorite… Ever want to be part of the popular book club, wine tasting group, or popular kids back in high school? Mindy Klansky brings realism to a fantastic fairy tale.

I was glad to find the story uplifting and more importantly, enlightening.

I Got a New Booooook

June 17, 2009

I know, big deal, right? I’ve been trying (and mostly failing) to read books from my bulging shelves. Books I’ve had for years and have been wanting to read. I’m a finicky girl though (and I think my husband would agree, although he better not agree too heartily!) and I have to be in the mood. Sometimes a book will call my name, and talk me into buying, but end up hanging out on the shelf for a while. Other times, a book will call my name, and I must buy and read immediately. Tonight was one of those times. Thank you, payday!

I’ve been looking forward to buying the second in Angela Hunt’s Fairlawn series, SHE ALWAYS WORE RED. But then, calling to me from across the store, was a book I wasn’t expecting. By an author I haven’t heard from in a long time. I loved the first two in her series, hated the third and kept waiting for a fourth to redeem itself. Finally! Lo and behold!

Kyra Davis’ LUST, LOATHING AND A LITTLE LIP GLOSS. I can’t explain my nearly unbridled excitement. I was so hugely disappointed by OBSESSION, DECEIT AND REALLY DARK CHOCOLATE. I think it was actually one of my first negative reviews, and I hated writing it. This new release caught me by total surprise. I’m usually on top of things like this…

So, I hope no one minds. I’ll be buried in a book tomorrow. Someone please water my garden. Thanks!

Reading in the Month of May…..

June 3, 2009

I didn’t read as much as I would have liked in May, (does one ever?) but what I read was wonderful!


Field of Blood by Eric Wilson wasn’t a Twilight vampire book, if that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for. It went deep into Biblical truths, using them as a solid foundation to tell a compellingly creepy story.

The characters are very real, and they endure difficult struggles readers looking for squeaky clean Christian heroes may be disappointed in. However, there is nothing unBiblical about the story. Fans of Dekker should really enjoy this series.

While there was no “preaching”, Field of Blood definitely captured the spirit of God’s love.   This is the first in the Jeruselum Undead Trilogy. I really enjoyed how the author wove archeological history with his characters struggle. Great story.

naturalDoesn’t She Look Natural by Angela Hunt was a definite page turner. Although it wasn’t what I was expecting, it was just what I wanted. The character goes from working on Capitol Hill to a divorced mom who inherited a funeral home. For some reason, I was expecting more politics and got more funeral business.

I never thought I could be so interested in what goes on in a mortuary, but as I joined the characters on their inspiring journey, I couldn’t stop reading. Hunt manages to keep things lighthearted when needed and respectful and uplifting when needed. When I turned the last page, I wanted to rush down to buy the second in the triolgy!

turnTurn Coat by Jim Butcher is the 11th in Harry Dresden’s adventures. It was all I expected. Jim Butcher has yet to disappoint, and with so many books in the series, that is definitely saying something. Wait! There was one disappointing thing… I miss Bob. I would have enjoyed a bit more of Bob the Skull, but other than that, it was wonderful!

Morgan, the Warden that has been a stone around Harry’s neck for most of his life shows up wounded on his doorstep. Accused of treason, Morgan is in serious trouble and how he’s made his trouble Harry’s. Harry is sarcastic, sardonic, and idealistic. I love him!

kissKiss and Hell by Dakota Cassidy takes paranormal romance in a new direction. Delaney Markham sees dead people. Yeah, like that Haley Joel kid in that movie with Bruce Willis. Only it’s not as happily ever after as The Ghost Whisperer makes it look on TV. Now she’s got a demon hanging around with nothing but bad news. Too bad he’s Mr. Wonderful. And really too bad he’s supposed to take her back to hell.

Dakota never disappoints. Her contemporary style is hilarious. She creates characters that I’d love to meet, even if they do have to keep a lifetime supply of prisms and rock salt to keep demons at bay!

hostsHosts by F. Paul Wilson is the fifth installment of the Repairman Jack series. Focusing on two stories, Jack is put in the position of saving a subway car full of people from a terrorist. Now he’s the city’s “savior” everyone wants to know, but no one can know Jack… The other story involves his sister who’s concerned for her friend. She’s in remission from a brain tumor but has odd behaviorial episodes and wanders off to meet strangers. Jack would do anything for his sister, and soon that is put to the ultimate test.

Jack is one of the most compelling characters ever. I heart him! Every book in this series is so vastly different from the last, yet keeps the same feel. This keeps each new installment fresh. Reading them back to back is not a problem because these aren’t the same rehashed plots. This one is more of a medical drama with some supernatural elements and with Jack, Gia, Vicky and Abe around for some wonderful familiarity.

Haunted Air by F. Paul Wilson is the next in the Repairman Jack series, and my favorite so far.